As per the Paris Agreement, to maintain a liveable planet, the world needs to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and achieve a 50% reduction by 2030 to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
2050 is only 27 years away, which in terms of infrastructure changes to achieve decarbonisation across energy networks, is not that much time.
Electrification, renewables, and connectivity will go hand in hand to speed the transition to a clean, efficient energy supply, and through the deployment of real-time data solutions like Luceo, we can significantly speed up the transition for networks, businesses, and consumers.
The Internet of Things is at the forefront of enabling communications and interoperability of devices, and this interoperability is a key factor in the push to decarbonise and meet our emissions targets. Luceo is the embodiment of this interoperability.
Actionable insights are key to the transformation to clean energy with safety and agility in decision making at the forefront for Distributed Network Service Providers (DNSPs).
The future that DNSPs have always wanted—the ability to provide the best and safest service to their customers—is now here with Luceo. Through constant sensing and metering based on fast, real-time data in a feedback loop, DNSPs can dynamically and flexibly balance the grid.
Luceo is an Australian innovation designed to manage large volumes of diverse data streams with near zero-latency. It is also scalable with enterprise grade data management and encryption strategies via a secure cloud platform. Luceo’s data analytic and machine learning services enable DNSPs to measure and react to safety issues—whether an emerging or existing fault—immediately and then enact automated decision making to rectify and notify.
“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”
The quote by management consultant Peter Drucker has never held truer in these fast-moving times where we have data management capabilities at our fingertips.
With the steady rise of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in Australia, particularly through photovoltaic panels (PVs), inverters, electric vehicles, and batteries, activity at the point of connection will be increasingly dynamic and change from day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute. Being able to measure, interpret, and respond to this activity in real-time is imperative to orchestrate millions of homes with millions of devices behind the meter.
Luceo provides increased visibility of real-time data so DNSPs can send automated commands to manage the production of electricity at the point of connection. This in turn coordinates infrastructure to ensure it is run within allowable operating norms to maximise asset life and security and stability of the grid. Currently, DNSPs do not have true visibility of the activity on their low-voltage networks and are hampered by slow, old data with few data points.
Luceo CEO Patrick Matweew says, “Think of it as a Fitbit or smart watch for the grid. The ability to scale, react, and change based on real-time solutions is a gift, particularly in the provision of electricity to vulnerable homes where there may be people on life-support machines.”
Related article: 5 Minutes With: Luceo Energy CEO Patrick Matweew
Energy Queensland trial turns to commitment
Luceo has been thoroughly tested and is now in the process of being rolled out by Energy Queensland (EQL).
EQL implemented a large-scale trial of Luceo in 2018 installing 20,000 devices specifically for safety monitoring for neutral integrity failures. These devices were installed in various locations along the Queensland coast all the way from the NSW border to Port Douglas in the north.
In 2021, Luceo won a tender to provide EQL with 90,000 Luceo Link devices to sit in front of the meter across the Queensland LV network, with expansion predicted in the next few years.
Luceo is a modular solution, which means that DNSPs can choose to use part, or all, of the system. EQL is an early adopter with other energy networks in the consideration phase of implementation.
Impact on customers
Energy network customers have traditionally had mixed feelings about the provision of their electricity service. As Australia has the largest uptake of solar in the world, with around 30% of homes with rooftop solar PV, there is obviously a widespread understanding of and willingness to partake in the transition to clean energy among consumers.
With energy bills forecast to increase by 50% or more in 2023, customers, already financially stressed by cost-of-living pressures, are increasingly looking towards other solutions.
Luceo offers visibility and transparency for DNSPs and consumers alike. What once seemed opaque and out of the consumers control may now become clearer with new services that energy providers can offer using real-time data from Luceo. These services could include notifications when an event happens and giving tips for cost savings based on usage patterns. Or even something as simple as a customer leaving the oven on when they leave the home.
As Luceo can help DNSPs more efficiently manage the grid and provide proactive services to customers, trust can be built between the service provider and those customers. Trust opens the door to automation, and this is particularly important for vulnerable consumers with life support machines. Outages are worrisome for such vulnerable groups, as they may not be able to pick up the phone to request assistance if required. Real-time assessment and automated response from the appropriate services will give these people peace of mind, knowing that faults and safety issues are being proactively managed.
CTO of Luceo, Adrian Knack, explains why safety was the original driver, “We are excited by the fact that electric shocks and fatalities from neutral integrity faults can be proactively prevented with a device that costs less than $1 a month from a data perspective”.
Moreover, data gathered from Luceo can be used by electricity suppliers to break hardship cycles with time-of-use tariffs, particularly in conjunction with battery storage. Low-income households currently pay double that of standard income households due to many factors such as old, inefficient appliances, inadequate cooling and heating, and lack of insulation. Imagine a future where everyone has access to battery storage and meaningful data on usage patterns.
Awareness of power usage alone is reducing consumption by 5–15%, which is a meaningful amount. Adding to this trend, businesses that provide battery storage as a service are helping to break hardship cycles and give customers back a sense of ownership over their electricity supply.
When DNSPs use Luceo to help with grid integrity, customers that are already on board with solar will have increased satisfaction because of a more efficient energy distribution model.
Luceo is proud to be at the cutting edge of the transition to a cleaner, safer, more efficient future.