Last December marked the first time battery storage and electric vehicle systems were able to export excess electricity into the network, after a historic agreement was reached between Synergy and Western Power.
In a move that will pave the way for the take-up of the next phase of new energy technology, WA Energy Minister Mike Nahan announced the two state government-owned entities would officially sign off on a non-reference service, which would allow storage systems to export unused electricity on to the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).
“Until now, storage systems have been unable to export electricity onto the SWIS,” Dr Nahan said.
“I am pleased Synergy and Western Power have reacted quickly to developing a non-reference service that can amend the anomaly without requiring the regulator to amend the network access arrangement.
“It has been a significant inconsistency that eligible customers were able to export electricity onto the SWIS from residential solar photovoltaic systems, but were not able to do so from a battery or electric vehicle storage facility.”
The arrangement means eligible customers can install battery storage or EV facilities to complement their solar PV systems and export unused electricity onto the network.
“This is an important development given the emerging future trends that forecast widespread installation of solar PV, plus storage systems,” Dr Nahan added.
Synergy and Western Power are currently involved in new energy technology trials that partner renewable energy and storage, including the community energy storage facility at Alkimos Beach and a new wave, solar and storage trial at Garden Island.