The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has welcomed the South Australian Government’s announcement it will contribute $500,000 to study the feasibility of a new high voltage electricity transmission interconnector.
ElectraNet, operator of South Australia’s transmission network, will examine the economic viability of a new interconnector linking South Australia with the eastern states as a high priority.
ENA chief executive officer John Bradley supported examination of the potential for additional interconnector capacity and welcomed the contribution of the SA Government to help fast-track the study.
“A cleaner energy future is likely to be an interconnected future,” Mr Bradley said.
“Governments and industry around the world recognise that stronger interconnection between regions is likely to be a key enabler of an affordable, reliable, low carbon future.
“Where the economics stack up, additional interconnectors can support higher levels of intermittent renewable generation and support balance in the energy system and power system security.”
Mr Bradley said South Australia had some of the most significant levels of renewable energy generation of any Australian State.
“The contribution by the SA Government will assist ElectraNet in examining a range of interconnector options, in a timely way, for the benefit of South Australian electricity customers,” Mr Bradley said.