Network regulation seminar focuses on future challenges

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) held a seminar on the future of network regulation in Brisbane recently as a precursor to the annual ACCC Conference.

The objective of the seminar was to be thought-provoking with a focus on future challenges of network businesses. AGL chief economist and group head of corporate affairs, Paul Simshauser chaired the event, DUET Group CEO, David Bartholomew provided an overview of regulated businesses from an investorโ€™s point of view and PwC principal, Jeff Balchin reviewed the impact of international trends in regulatory businesses.

NERA Economic Consulting director, Greg Houston looked at Australian developments and ENA economic regulation principal adviser, Garth Crawford concluded with a presentation on possible strategic directions for network regulation.

The seminar was attended by more than 50 delegates from Australia and New Zealand. According to the ENA, the high quality of the speakers and the targeted presentations was appreciated by all.

ENA is currently planning to make the regulation seminar an annual event.

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