Infigen Energy’s Bodangora Wind Farm in central west New South Wales has received development consent.
The project was assessed and recommended for approval by the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure on September 3, with the final determination granted by the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC).
The proposed Bodangora Wind Farm comprises 33 wind turbines – up to 120MW installed capacity, a substation, tracks, cabling and associated wind farm infrastructure.
Located approximately 20km north-east of the Wellington township, the project forms an important part of Infigen Energy’s development pipeline. There are seven landowners involved in the project who will potentially benefit from a sustainable income stream when the project proceeds, which will go towards drought-proofing farms.
In a statement, Infigen Energy said the wind farm will provide significant environmental benefits by supplying clean renewable generation and displacing greenhouse gas emissions that would occur with fossil fuel generation. The company also stated it is committed to engaging and involving the broader community in both direct and indirect project opportunities.
“This includes a $85,000 per annum Voluntary Planning Agreement with the Wellington Council and a Community Benefit Fund, which will receive 2 per cent of revenue from one of the Bodangora wind turbines,” the statement said.
The construction of the project is expected to create approximately 110 jobs and another six-to-eight ongoing jobs during the operation of the wind farm.
In regards to consumer concern regarding noise pollution associated with wind turbines, the PAC report noted there is no published scientific evidence to link wind turbines with adverse health effects.
“NSW Health also made it clear that noise levels at distances of more than 1km from the turbines would not cause health impacts,” the statement said.
Infigen Energy will continue to progress the remaining elements of the project to ensure a successful development for all stakeholders.