Reports have emerged today that anti-Adani activists including GetUp and the US-funded Sunrise Project briefed Labor MPs on how to overturn approvals for Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine in closed-door meetings late last year.
The meetings are said to have taken place days before the Queensland Government ordered a review into Adani’s environmental management plans of the black-throated finch, and endangered species that lives on the site of the proposed coal mine.
The Australian reports activists said they provided Bill Shorten’s frontbench with legal advice on how a future Labor government could revoke Adani approvals.
Related article: Furore over Adani’s finch plans being referred to experts
The briefing note, obtained by The Australian, details the “legal mechanism” to stop the project on the back of new information about water management or the endangered finch species.
“Under s145 of the EPBC (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999), a future environment minister could revoke an approval on the grounds that there is new information about the significant impacts from the mine,” the briefing said.
“We are advised that new information in relation to water impacts and the habitat of the black-throated finch provides legally valid grounds for revocation.”
Opposition Minister for the Environment Tony Burke said on Sunday that he had “deep problems with the way the (federal) Liberal government has handled the environmental approvals”.
Related article: Adani calls on Queensland Gov for “fair go”
Adani has secured federal government approval for the Carmichael mine, but has been at a roadblock with the Queensland Government over the water and black-throated finch management plans.
Consultations with the Queensland Government have been ongoing for 18 months, and it was recently announced the process could take another two years.