In June, The Australian Energy Storage Conference will ask the question, could energy storage be the catalyst in the transition from centralised to decentralised power systems?
Held in Sydney, the conference will feature a diverse range of energy storage projects and case studies from across Australia and from overseas. Presentations will range from affordable battery storage for the evolving grid, to off-grid telecommunications, grid
resiliency and microgrid lessons learned in the US from MW-scale flow battery deployments.
Also featured will be grid implications of electric vehicle (EV) charging and innovative thermal energy management for buildings.
Australian Energy Storage Alliance industry executive Mary Hendriks said new energy storage technologies will be of little use unless the policies and standards are in place for the benefit of all stakeholders.
“Supporting investment and developing sound policies for the implementation of energy storage technologies is essential to build competitive energy supply systems for Australia’s future,” she said.
The conference plan includes a session on understanding the Australian regulatory market and developing policy and standards for energy storage.
Donald McPhail, network strategy and policy engineer at Ergon Energy will discuss the corporation’s corporate strategy for facilitating the uptake of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) on its network, specifically around working with the existing regulations and co-ordinating connections through standards and policies.
More than 40 speakers with extensive industry knowledge and unique perspectives will participate in this two-day event.
Complementing the conference will be the Australian Energy Storage Exhibition, with a focus on energy storage industry at all levels – for utilities, energy businesses, building management and the emerging electric vehicle markets.
The exhibition is free to attend and early bird rates are still available for the conference, so join the conversation on June 3-4 at the Australian Technology Park, Sydney.