United Energy gets approval for early access to DMIS

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved United Energy’s application for early access to the new Demand Management Incentive Scheme (DMIS).

United Energy’s application follows recent AER approvals of applications from AusNet Services, Energy Queensland, Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy for early application of the scheme.

The AER published details of the new DMIS in December 2017. The new scheme encourages distribution businesses to find lower-cost solutions to investing in network solutions.

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To enable greater uptake of the new DMIS, the AER requested the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) to approve amendments to the National Electricity Rules to allow early application of the new DMIS. These amendments were made in April 2018.

United Energy, a Victorian electricity distributor, has recently made an application to bring forward its DMIS projects.

The AER considers the proposal demonstrates that the distributor’s plan to implement new demand management projects is likely to meet the specific requirements under the scheme.

United Energy will have a start date of November 1, 2019.

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