EnergyAustralia’s ‘Smart Home Family’ in Newington, Sydney, began uploading content to a blog in July.
Clare Joyce, Michael Adams and their daughter Ava, moved into the home to road-test the latest energy efficient technologies.
The family was chosen from 160 applicants from across Australia and overseas to live in EnergyAustralia’s ‘Smart Home’ rent-free for 12 months while they write about it, good and bad.
EnergyAustralia managing director, George Maltabarow said the home was fitted out as part of a trial with Sydney Water to help show the future of household energy and water use in Australia.
“This family, living in this home, will give us our first look at the house of the future,” Mr Maltabarow said.
“We’ll see warts-and-all what works and what doesn’t when it comes to saving energy and water.
“It will show how new technologies can help reduce household energy use, costs and CO2 and help us build a smarter electricity grid.”