Smart Grid, Smart City integrator selected

IBM announced its role as the systems integration partner for the $100 million Smart Grid, Smart City initiative led by the EnergyAustralia consortium.

Under the agreement with EnergyAustralia, IBM will build on its existing work on EnergyAustralia’s smart grid program, to deliver distributed generation, smart metering and demand management solutions.

The three-year project has begun across five sites in Sydney and the Hunter (Newcastle, Scone, Sydney CBD, Ku-ring-gai and Newington). It will represent Australia’s first commercial-scale smart grid. The technology will allow residents to see real-time analysis of electricity usage for their households and even for individual appliances, to help them make better decisions about energy efficiency in their homes and minimise their environmental impact. The smart grid demonstration will also test real-time, complex information about grid performance in order to improve control over the network for Australian energy transmission and distribution companies.

“IBM is extremely proud to be a part of the successful consortium and we’re delighted with the government’s investment and support to broaden Australia’s smart grid,” IBM Australia & New Zealand managing director, Glen Boreham said.

“The Smart Grid, Smart City demonstration is a critical step in developing the necessary infrastructure required to meet the energy demands of Australian citizens into the future.”

The EnergyAustralia Consortium includes IBM and GE Energy Australia, AGL, Sydney Water, Hunter Water and Newcastle City Council.

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