Promising results from LED street light and meter trials

Essential Energy’s intelligent network project is beginning to radiate benefits in the Bega Valley, New South Wales, with the trial of light emitting diode (LED) street lighting showing significant energy consumption savings and improvements in public lighting.

The recent trial of new LED street lights in Bega’s main street recorded better than expected results in its six monthly progress report. The technology is likely to now be used in other communities.

Intelligent network general manager Michael Lysaght said independent consultant Ironbark Sustainability would continue to monitor the performance of the lights and report back to Essential Energy and Bega Valley Shire Council at the end of the 12-month pilot.

“So far the results have indicated that LEDs perform much better compared to conventional technologies with a saving of 65 per cent in energy consumption and an almost 40 per cent improvement of light cast on the ground,” Mr Lysaght said.

The installation of seven 90W LED lights to replace existing 250W mercury vapour lights is one of a number of network-based projects included in Essential Energy’s ‘IN Community Trial’.

The recent completion of the utility’s meter roll-out program has paved the way for the introduction of other intelligent technology, including ‘IN-Home Displays’ and an online energy portal for managing energy consumption.

“At our recent IN Community Information Day, we spoke to many participants who were interested in the next stage of the trial – the introduction of IN-Home Displays,” Mr Lysaght said.

“The free energy management tool allows trial participants to take control of their consumption with a click of a button by displaying energy usage in near real-time and an indicative consumption cost, as well as total consumption for a fixed period.

“By simply turning appliances on and off we were able to show visitors to the Community Information Day how much energy different appliances used.”

As the trial progresses, Essential Energy is gathering feedback from participants to provide valuable insights into helping develop the Intelligent Network across regional New South Wales.

“We’re also keeping the Bega and Tathra communities informed about the latest developments from the trial with our IN Community newsletter, In the Loop,” Mr Lysaght said.

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