Local and international low carbon experts will gather at the Adelaide National Wine Centre this month to discuss how the latest CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) research is contributing to lowering emissions in Australia’s built environment.
As the nation’s only research and innovation hub, the CRCLCL is committed to contributing a cumulative reduction in emissions of 10 megatonnes by 2020. Now in its final year of funding, the centre is reportedly on track to meet this target and the forum will showcase the research that has contributed to this ambition being realised.
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Topics include: Urban Heat Island mitigation to cool our cities; Blockchain technology for solar energy sharing and pricing; low-carbon tourism; the world-first trial of geopolymer concrete ocean barricades; low-carbon schools and precincts; suggested changes to the National Construction Code; low-carbon construction materials; cool roofs for large buildings; energy efficient pool pumps; wastewater treatment; and engaging communities to take action.
International speakers are: Professor Brian Collins, professor of Engineering Policy at University College London and Director of the International Centre for Infrastructure Futures; and Professor Ivo Martinac – Professor and chair, Building Services and Energy Systems KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden. Both will share their expert knowledge and experience on delivering low to zero carbon urban environments from a policy and practice perspective.
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Australian keynote speakers are: The Hon Mark Butler, MP – Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy and Labor Member for Port Adelaide; The Hon David Speirs MP – SA Minister for Environment and Water South Australian and State Member for Black ; Dr Jemma Green – Co-founder and chair of Power Ledger; and Richard Turner of SIMEC ZEN Energy.