Horizon Power will be visiting about 2000 homes and businesses across regional and remote Western Australia to replace the existing electricity meters.
More than 45,000 of Horizon Power’s old dial meters have been exchanged with new advanced meters. The remaining 2000 meters require specialised work and will be replaced over a six-week period, beginning in Karratha.
The advanced meters will result in more timely and accurate billing for customers.
“Many customers were receiving estimated reads because of locked gates, dogs or other reasons we could not access the meter. The new advanced meters means estimated bills will largely be a thing of the past, except for some very remote customers,” Horizon Power said.
“We will be able to identify the cause of faults more quickly because we will be able to see whether the fault is inside the house, on the customer side, or on our network. If the fault is related to our network, we will send crews as soon as possible to rectify it.”
The State Government has funded the project, meaning there is no charge to customers.