Foundations laid for NSW’s biggest renewable energy project

Construction is under way at the 113.9MW Boco Rock Wind Farm, which is set to become the largest wind farm project in New South Wales.

The first two foundations were poured in late January. Construction of stage one will comprise 67 of the 122 approved wind turbine locations encompassing the two western clusters. A power line connecting the wind farm to the Essential Energy owned lines at Steeple Flat is also part of stage one.

First generation is expected in September this year, with the project on track to become fully operational by next February.

The predicted output of the 67 turbines is 349,217MW/hour, which is estimated to supply more than 50,000 average households in the area.

Boco Rock Wind Farm is owned by Thai power producer Electricity Generation, and is currently estimated to be worth around $350 million.

When fully operational, the wind farm is expected to generate enough power to supply electricity to satisfy the needs of 50,400 average households.

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