Ergon backs vegetation laws, says it will not impact customers

Ergon Energy has said there will be no impacts on its customers or electricity prices in relation to new vegetation laws proposed by the Queensland Government.

Acting chief executive Ros Baker said Ergon supported the proposed legislation and would work closely with authorities and stakeholders to ensure the electricity network operated in harmony within new rules.

“An Ergon officer had raised speculative concerns during the consultation period relating to this new legislation. Further analysis by Ergon has determined that there are no fundamental issues and we have a number of options to deliver our service appropriately,” she said.

Ms Baker said there would be no impact on electricity prices or connection times through the proposed legislation.

“Ergon will continue to provide connections to meet customer needs within specified timeframes, while managing vegetation sensitively during any works,” Ms Baker said.

Ergon Energy will be providing a further submission to the Queensland Government’s Agriculture and Environment committee in due course.

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